1 Register User-define event

1 Register intercept event, specify action pre-execution trigger, and block/release follow-up actions

Support multiple registrations, execute in order of registration; support asynchronous ajax, avoid request jam Scenario 1: perform custom logic and block/release before submi, save, returnn, forward, withdraw, etc Scenario 2: execute custom logic and block/allow follow-up action before add/detele detail row

Interface name and parameter description

registerCheckEvent:function (type, fun)


jQuery().ready (function(){
 WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_SAVE, function(callback){
 jQuery ("#field27495").val(" Save automatic assign value");
 callback()// continue to submit to callback, no callbacck means break
 WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_SAVE +,"+WfForm.OPER_SUBMIT,function(callback){
 //... Execute user-defined logic
 WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_ADDROW +"1", function(callback){
 alert (" execute logic before adding detail 1, detail 1 is OPER_ADDROW+1, and so on ");
 callback()// Allows you to continue adding row calls callback, else break
 WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.Oper_DELROW +"2", function(callback){
 alert(" Execution logic before deleting detail 2");
 callback();// Allows continued deletion of line calls callback, else break
 WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.OPER_PRINTPREVIEW, function(callback){
 alert(" Control default print preview window ");
 alert(" this interface needs to be executed before the jump route, the component library provides this mechanism when the component library provides this mechanism ");
 window.WfForm.printTimeout =3000;// product is the default delay 1s to pop-up, can control the delay time here
callback();// Allows continued pop-up calls callback, else break
 WfForm.registerCheckEvent (Wform.Oper_EDITDETAILROW, function (callback, params){
 alert (JSON.stringify (params);/ parameter contains which list and which line is currently clicked
 callback();// Allow jump detail edit window without calling block jump

2 Register hook event, trigger after specific action completed

Support multiple call registration and execute in order of registration

Interface name and parameter description

registerAction:function(actionname, fn)

WfForm.registerAction(Wform.ACTION_ADDROW +"1", function(index){
 alert (" Add line subscript" +index);
// subscript from 1, detail 1 add line trigger event, register function entry parameter is new line subscript
WfForm.registerAction(Wform.ACTION_DELROW +"2", function(arg){
 alert (" Delete row subscript set is "+arg.join(","");
});// subscript from 1, detail 2 delete line trigger event
WfForm.registerAction(Wform.ACTION_SWITCHDETAILPAGING, function (groupid){
 alert (" Switching detail table page "+(groupid+1) +"trigger event");//Page number trigger event 
WfForm.registerAction (Wform.ACTION_SWITCHTABLAYOUT, function(tabid){
 alert (" Switch to tag item "+tabid+" Trigger event ");

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