3 Common SQL Script
1. Enable sql log
Configuration file:ecology\WEB-INF\prop\weaver_isSqlLog.properties
2. Get file path on server with doc id
select filerealpath from imagefile t1,docimagefile t2
where t1.imagefileid=t2imagefileid and t2.docid= Docment ID
3. Get month in the date
doFieldSQL("select RIGHT(SUBSTRING('Field id',0,8),2) ")
4. Query workflow where operator is matrix
select a.workflowname Workflow,a.version Version,c.nodename Node,d.groupname Group,g.name Matrix
from workflow_base a
inner join workflow_flownode b on a.id=b.workflowid and b.NODETYPE<>0 --Not creator
inner join workflow_nodebase c on b.nodeid = c.id --and c.IsFreeNode is null
inner join workflow_nodegroup d on c.id=d.nodeid
inner join workflow_groupdetail e on d.id=e.groupid
inner join workflow_groupdetail_matrix f on f.groupdetailid = e.id
inner join matrixinfo g on g.id = f.matrix
where e.type=99 --Matrix type
and a.isvalid = '1' --Valid workflow
and f.matrix in (6) --id
order by a.workflowname,c.nodename,d.groupname
5. Get last month
6. Query all workflow and corresponding nodes that have a detailed horizontal scroll bar enabled
select workflowid,workflowname,b.nodeid,nodename from workflow_base a,
workflow_flownode b,workflow_nodebase c,workflow_nodeformgroup d
where a.id=b.workflowid and b.nodeid=c.id and d.nodeid=b.nodeid and d.allowscroll='1'
7. Query which workflow with detail table (only for new forms)
select * from workflow_base a where isbill=1 and not exists
(select 1 from workflow_billfield where billid=a.formid and viewtype=1)
8. Change website icon
Change favicon.ico in e-cology root directory
9. Get all workflow configure with Overtime
select * from workflow_base where id
in(select distinct workflowid from workflow_nodeOverTime)
10. Query all completed workflow
select workflowtype,
count(distinct requestid) workflowcount
from workflow_currentoperator
where isremark in ('2', '4')
and iscomplete = 1
and islasttimes = 1
and userid = 1
and usertype = 0
and exists
(select 1
from workflow_requestbase c
where (c.deleted <> 1 or c.deleted is null or c.deleted = '')
and c.workflowid = workflow_currentoperator.workflowid
and c.currentnodetype = '3'
and c.requestid = workflow_currentoperator.requestid
and (isnull(c.currentstatus, -1) = -1 or
(isnull(c.currentstatus, -1) = 0 and c.creater = 1)))
group by workflowtype, workflowid, viewtype
order by workflowtype, workflowid
11. Show node submit time on the form
select top 1 operatedate+' '+operatetime from workflow_requestLog
where requestid = $requestid$ and nodeid = 377 order by operatedate desc,
operatetime desc -- 377 is node id
How to get node id base on workflow id
select * from workflow_nodebase where id in (
select nodeid from workflow_flownode where workflowid = 73)
12. Query all delete workflow but message not deleted
where targetid in (select requestid from workflow_requestbase_dellog)
13. Export organization structure
select a.id as Department_ID,
a.departmentcode as Department_code,
a.departmentmark as Department_name,
(select b.departmentmark from hrmdepartment b where b.id = a.supdepid) as Supior_Department,
(select c.subcompanyname from hrmsubcompany c where c.id = a.subcompanyid1) as Divison,
from hrmdepartment a
where 1 = 1
order by id asc;
14. Query the time consumption of all nodes
select b.lastname Name,
c.workflowname Workflow_type,
e.requestname Request_Title,
d.nodename Node,
a.receivedate Receive_Date,
a.receivetime Receive_Time,
a.operatedate Operate_Date,
a.operatetime Operate_Time,
DATEDIFF(mi,receivedate + ' ' + receivetime,operatedate + ' ' + operatetime) as 'Time/Mins'
from workflow_currentoperator a
left JOIN hrmresource b
on a.userid = b.id
left join workflow_base c
on a.workflowid = c.id
left join workflow_nodebase d
on a.nodeid = d.id
left join workflow_requestbase e
on a.requestid = e.requestid
where a.operatedate is not null and a.operatetime is not null and a.isremark in (2,4)
and a.receivedate >= '2019-01-01' and a.receivedate <= '2019-08-29' --Time Range Control
and a.userid = 3 --User Control
order by a.id asc
15. Add placeholder in textbox
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#field7126").attr('placeholder',"Please upload attachment in comments");
$("#field7041").attr('placeholder',"Please upload attachment in comments");
$("#field7079").attr('placeholder',"Please upload attachment in comments");
$("#field7112").attr('placeholder',"Std: 0.1% per day");
$("#field7113").attr('placeholder',"Std: 60 days");
$("#field7070").attr('placeholder',"Std: on 5th/month");
$("#field7114").attr('placeholder',"Std: 3-6 months");
$("#field7115").attr('placeholder',"Std: 3 month");
$("#field7076").attr('placeholder',"Std: Deposit");
16. Check date and time
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function(obj, id, value) {
console.log("WfForm.bindFieldChangeEvent--", obj, id, value);
var startdate = WfForm.getFieldValue("field5866"); //Start Date Field
var enddate = WfForm.getFieldValue("field8239"); //End Date Field
var starttime = WfForm.getFieldValue("field5870"); // Start Time
var endtime = WfForm.getFieldValue("field5871"); // End Time
if (startdate != "" && enddate != "" && startdate > enddate) {
WfForm.showMessage("Start Date later than end date!!!", 2, 5);
WfForm.changeFieldValue("field5866", {
value: ""
WfForm.changeFieldValue("field8239", {
value: ""
} else if (startdate != "" && enddate != "" && startdate == enddate) {
if (starttime != "" && endtime != "" && starttime >= endtime) {
WfForm.showMessage("Start date and end date is the same date, but start time later than end time!!!", 2, 5);
WfForm.changeFieldValue("field5870", {
value: ""
WfForm.changeFieldValue("field5871", {
value: ""
} else {}
} else {}
17. Query all users who did not login to system
select id as User_id, lastname as Name, loginid as Account
from hrmresource
where status in(0,1,2,3) and not exists--Who didnot have login log in last 3 month
(select 1
from hrmsysmaintenancelog
where hrmresource.id = hrmsysmaintenancelog.relatedid
and hrmsysmaintenancelog.operatedate >= ''2016-11-06''--Login start time
and hrmsysmaintenancelog.operatedate < ''2017-02-07'')--Login ENd time
18. Workflow process log
select t1.clientip, t1.logtype,t1.operatedate,t1.operatetime,t1.workflowid,t1.operator,
t1.requestid, t2.creater, t2.requestname
from workflow_requestLog t1,workflow_requestbase t2
where t1.requestid=t2.requestid
order by t1.operatedate desc,t1.operatetime desc
19. Get exit condition
select a.workflowid,c.workflowname, a.nodeid,d.nodename,
from workflow_nodelink a,rule_base b ,workflow_base c,workflow_nodebase d
where b.linkid=a.id and a.workflowid=c.id and a.nodeid =d.id
20. Check any statement make CPU usage too high
20.1 Check field linkage = assign field
select *
from workflow_base
where id in
(select distinct workflowid
from (select main.id, entry.triggerfieldname, entry.workflowid
from workflow_datainput_entry entry
left join workflow_datainput_main main
on main.entryid = entry.id) t1,
(select * from workflow_datainput_field where type = 2) t2
where t2.datainputid = t1.id
and t2.pagefieldname = t1.triggerfieldname)
20.2 check field attribute
select * from workflow_nodefieldattr where
attrcontent like '%'+cast(fieldid as varchar)+'%'
Last updated