7 Signature comments interface

1 Get signature commments content

minimum version: KB900190501



WfForm.getSignRemark():// Get the signature comments

2 Set signature comments text

Minimum version : KB900190501

setSignRemark:function (text, is Clear =true,isAfter=true,callback)

Parameter Description


WfForm.setSignRemark("override the content of the signature setting comment ");
WfForm.setSignRemark("additional request for approval before the original opinion ", false,false);

3 Extended Signature comments bottom buttons

Signature Input Box Bottom Button supports Custom Extended

appendSignEditorBottomBar:function (comps =[]) based on built-in accessories, documents, processes)

Parameter Description

WfForm.appendSignEditorBottomBar ([
 React.createElement("div ",{className :" wf-req-signbtn ", children :" custom button 1"}),
 <div> custom button 2</ div<div>

Last updated