4 Javascript Sample

1 Add fireworks int form


(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
    if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory();
    else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory);
    else if (typeof exports === 'object') exports["EFFECT"] = factory();
    else root["EFFECT"] = factory()
})(this,function() {
    return (function(modules) {
        var installedModules = {};
        function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
            if (installedModules[moduleId]) return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
            var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
                exports: {},
                id: moduleId,
                loaded: false
            modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
            module.loaded = true;
            return module.exports
        __webpack_require__.m = modules;
        __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
        __webpack_require__.p = "";
        return __webpack_require__(0)
    })([function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        'use strict';
        var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
        canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
        canvas.style.cssText = 'position:fixed;top:0;left:0;pointer-events:none;z-index:999999';
        function() {
            canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
            canvas.height = window.innerHeight
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        var particles = [];
        var particlePointer = 0;
        EFFECT.shake = true;
        function getRandom(min, max) {
            return Math.random() * (max - min) + min
        function getColor(el) {
            if (EFFECT.colorful) {
                var u = getRandom(0, 360);
                return 'hsla(' + getRandom(u - 10, u + 10) + ', 100%, ' + getRandom(50, 80) + '%, ' + 1 + ')'
            } else {
                return window.getComputedStyle(el).color
        function getCaret() {
            var el = document.activeElement;
            var bcr;
            if (el.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' || (el.tagName === 'INPUT' && el.getAttribute('type') === 'text')) {
                var offset = __webpack_require__(1)(el, el.selectionStart);
                bcr = el.getBoundingClientRect();
                return {
                    x: offset.left + bcr.left,
                    y: offset.top + bcr.top,
                    color: getColor(el)
            var selection = window.getSelection();
            if (selection.rangeCount) {
                var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
                var startNode = range.startContainer;
                if (startNode.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE) {
                    startNode = startNode.parentNode
                bcr = range.getBoundingClientRect();
                return {
                    x: bcr.left,
                    y: bcr.top,
                    color: getColor(startNode)
            return {
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                color: 'transparent'
        function createParticle(x, y, color) {
            return {
                x: x,
                y: y,
                alpha: 1,
                color: color,
                velocity: {
                    x: -1 + Math.random() * 2,
                    y: -3.5 + Math.random() * 2
        function EFFECT() {
                var caret = getCaret();
                var numParticles = 5 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10);
                while (numParticles--) {
                    particles[particlePointer] = createParticle(caret.x, caret.y, caret.color);
                    particlePointer = (particlePointer + 1) % 500
            } {
                if (EFFECT.shake) {
                    var intensity = 1 + 2 * Math.random();
                    var x = intensity * (Math.random() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1);
                    var y = intensity * (Math.random() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1);
                    document.body.style.marginLeft = x + 'px';
                    document.body.style.marginTop = y + 'px';
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        document.body.style.marginLeft = '';
                        document.body.style.marginTop = ''
        EFFECT.colorful = false;
        function loop() {
            context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; ++i)
                var particle = particles[i];
                if (particle.alpha <= 0.1) continue;
                particle.velocity.y += 0.075;
                particle.x += particle.velocity.x;
                particle.y += particle.velocity.y;
                particle.alpha *= 0.96;
                context.globalAlpha = particle.alpha;
                context.fillStyle = particle.color;
                context.fillRect(Math.round(particle.x - 1.5), Math.round(particle.y - 1.5), 3, 3);
			//context.fillText("文字",particle.x,particle.y) //太频繁,文字会卡死固定位置
        module.exports = EFFECT
    function(module, exports) {
        (function() {
            var properties = ['direction', 'boxSizing', 'width', 'height', 'overflowX', 'overflowY', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderBottomWidth', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderStyle', 'paddingTop', 'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft', 'fontStyle', 'fontVariant', 'fontWeight', 'fontStretch', 'fontSize', 'fontSizeAdjust', 'lineHeight', 'fontFamily', 'textAlign', 'textTransform', 'textIndent', 'textDecoration', 'letterSpacing', 'wordSpacing', 'tabSize', 'MozTabSize'];
            var isFirefox = window.mozInnerScreenX != null;
            function getCaretCoordinates(element, position, options) {
                var debug = options && options.debug || false;
                if (debug) {
                    var el = document.querySelector('#input-textarea-caret-position-mirror-div');
                    if (el) {
                var div = document.createElement('div');
                div.id = 'input-textarea-caret-position-mirror-div';
                var style = div.style;
                var computed = window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(element) : element.currentStyle;
                style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap';
                if (element.nodeName !== 'INPUT') style.wordWrap = 'break-word';
                style.position = 'absolute';
                if (!debug) style.visibility = 'hidden';
                properties.forEach(function(prop) {
                    style[prop] = computed[prop]
                if (isFirefox) {
                    if (element.scrollHeight > parseInt(computed.height)) style.overflowY = 'scroll'
                } else {
                    style.overflow = 'hidden'
                div.textContent = element.value.substring(0, position);
                if (element.nodeName === 'INPUT') div.textContent = div.textContent.replace(/\s/g, "\u00a0");
                var span = document.createElement('span');
                span.textContent = element.value.substring(position) || '.';
                var coordinates = {
                    top: span.offsetTop + parseInt(computed['borderTopWidth']),
                    left: span.offsetLeft + parseInt(computed['borderLeftWidth'])
                if (debug) {
                    span.style.backgroundColor = '#aaa'
                } else {
                return coordinates
            if (typeof module != "undefined" && typeof module.exports != "undefined") {
                module.exports = getCaretCoordinates
            } else {
                window.getCaretCoordinates = getCaretCoordinates
        } ())

    EFFECT.colorful = true;
    EFFECT.shake = true;
    document.body.addEventListener('input', EFFECT);

2 Form vote

//Get main table field id
var fieldid1 = WfForm.convertFieldNameToId("bfb");//percentage
var fieldid2 = WfForm.convertFieldNameToId("fjqry");//Disagree person
var fieldid3 = WfForm.convertFieldNameToId("lztj");//Condition
var fieldid6 = WfForm.convertFieldNameToId("mxbh");//Detail table
var mx=WfForm.getFieldValue(fieldid6);;//Details table field it
var fieldid4 = WfForm.convertFieldNameToId("tpr", "detail_"+mx);//Vote person
var fieldid5 = WfForm.convertFieldNameToId("yj", "detail_"+mx);//Comments

var userid=WfForm.getBaseInfo().f_weaver_belongto_userid;

//WfForm.controlDetailRowDisplay("detail_"+mx, "all", true);
//Check all detail table, hide non-current user's line
var rowArr1 = WfForm.getDetailAllRowIndexStr("detail_"+mx).split(",");

for(var i=0; i<rowArr1.length; i++){
    var rowIndex1 = rowArr1[i];
    if(rowIndex1 !== ""){
        var fieldvalue4=WfForm.getFieldValue(fieldid4+"_"+rowIndex1);//Get vote person's value

            WfForm.controlDetailRowDisplay("detail_"+mx, rowIndex1, true);
            WfForm.controlDetailRowDisplay("detail_"+mx, rowIndex1, false);
            WfForm.changeFieldAttr(fieldid5+"_"+rowIndex1, 3);//Change vote comments as required
//Submit for verification and result calculation
WfForm.registerCheckEvent(WfForm.OPER_SUBMIT, function(callback){
    var fieldvalue1 = WfForm.getFieldValue(fieldid1);//Get percentage
    var fieldvalue2 = WfForm.getFieldValue(fieldid2);//Get vote person
    if(fieldvalue1==null || fieldvalue1==""){
        alert("Please contact admin to set pass rate!")
        var rowArr = WfForm.getDetailAllRowIndexStr("detail_"+mx).split(",");//Check details table
        var coun=rowArr.length;
        var countfieldid5=0;
        var check=false;
        for(var i=0; i<rowArr.length; i++){
            var rowIndex = rowArr[i];
            if(rowIndex !== ""){
                var fieldMark = "field111_"+rowIndex;    //Check details table
                var fieldvalue4=WfForm.getFieldValue(fieldid4+"_"+rowIndex);//Get vote person value
                var fieldvalue5=WfForm.getFieldValue(fieldid5+"_"+rowIndex);//Get vote comments

                if(fieldvalue4==fieldvalue2 && fieldvalue5=="1"){
            var tgl=(countfieldid5*1.00)/(coun*1.00);
            // console.log(countfieldid5)
            // console.log(coun)
            // console.log(tgl)
            var checktgl=false;
            if(tgl>=fieldvalue1){//Vote rate > Pass rate
            if(!check && checktgl){
                WfForm.changeFieldValue(fieldid3, {value:"0"});//Vote passed

                WfForm.changeFieldValue(fieldid3, {value:"1"});//Vote failed


3 Simulate the click action to show workflow chart

var baseFrame = $(window.parent.document).find(".tab_menu");
baseFrame.children().eq(1).children().eq(0).click(); //Show workflow chart
$(window.parent.document).find("#divWfPic").hide();  //Hide workflow chart

///Set the workflow chart image field id as overflowPic
	//Becuase take some time to generate the workflow chart, then need to extend the time
		//find canvas
		var pic = $(window.parent.document.getElementById("piciframe")).contents().find("#mainArea");
		//generate the image
		var _img = document.createElement("img");
		_img.src = pic[0].toDataURL("image/png");
	}, 500);

4 Add placeholder

	$("#field6387").attr("placeholder", "Please fill in counterparties");

5 Change tips text base on dropdown

/// If the dropdown is 0, then hide tips
/// If the dropdown is 1, then change tips text as [Note: This is a testing tips, please double check]
/// Note: need to set the tips region class as promptText
	var _selectId = "field8581";
	if($("#" + _selectId).val() == 0){
	} else {
		$(".promptText").text("[Note: This is a testing tips, please double check]");

6 Check mobile phone number

	checkCustomize = function(){
		var isPhone = /^([0-9]{3,4}-)?[0-9]{7,8}$/;//Chinese Mobile Phone Number
		var isMob= /^0?1[3|4|5|8][0-9]\d{8}$/;// Chinese Telephone Number
		var isSingaporeNumber = /^\+65(6|8|9)\d{7}$/;
		var _val = $("#field7915").val();
		if(_val == "") return true;
		else if(isMob.test(_val) || isPhone.test(_val) || isSingaporeNumber(_val)) return true;
		else {
			alert("Please fill in the correct number");
			return false;

7 Begin date should not later than End date

/* Begin date should not later than End date */

var beginTimeId = {id: "field7911", name: "Begin Date"}; //Begin Id
var endTimeId   = {id: "field7912", name: "End Date"}; //End Id

	checkCustomize = checkChangeFunction; // Submit for check
	$("#" + beginTimeId.id).bindPropertyChange(function(){ checkChangeFunction(); });// Check begin date
	$("#" + endTimeId.id).bindPropertyChange(checkChangeFunction);  // Check end date

/// Check function
function checkChangeFunction(){
	var beginTime = new Date($("#" + beginTimeId.id).val()); //Convert to date type
	var endTime = new Date($("#" + endTimeId.id).val());     //Convert to date type
	return (beginTime > endTime) ?
		( alert(beginTimeId.name + " could not later than " + endTimeId.name), false ): ( true );

/* Begin date should not later than End date */

var beginTimeId = {date: "field7911", time: "field8482"}; //Begin
var endTimeId   = {date: "field7912", time: "field8483"}; //End

	checkCustomize = function (){
		var beginTime = new Date($("#" + beginTimeId.date).val() + " " +$("#" + beginTimeId.time).val()); //Convert to date type
		var endTime = new Date($("#" + endTimeId.date).val() + " " +$("#" + endTimeId.time).val());     //Convert to date type
		return (beginTime > endTime) ?
			( alert("Begin date should not later than end date"), false ): ( true );
	}; // Submit for check

8 Confirm current time and submit

/* Confirm current time and submit  */

/// Main table with time, provide two button, confirm current time and submit, Get current time
/// Make Confirm current time and submit class as changeButton, add user define attribite submitNow as true
/// Make Get current Time field class as changeButton

var needWriteDateId = "7912"; //Date ID
var needWriteTimeId = "8483"; //Time ID

	//Change date value
	var time = new Date();
	$("#field" + needWriteDateId).val(getDateYMD(time));
	$("#field" + needWriteDateId + "span").text(getDateYMD(time));
	$("#field" + needWriteTimeId).val(getTimeHM(time));
	$("#field" + needWriteTimeId + "span").text(getTimeHM(time));

	//Trigger submit button
		}, 1000);

///Convert _time as yyyy-mm-dd format
function getDateYMD(_time){
	var year = _time.getFullYear();
	var month = _time.getMonth()+1;
	var date = _time.getDate();

	return year + "-" + ((month < 10) ? ("0" + month): month) + "-" + ((date < 10) ? ("0" + date): date);

///Convert _time as hh:mm format
function getTimeHM(_time){
	var hours = _time.getHours();
	var minutes = _time.getMinutes();

	return ((hours < 10) ? ("0" + hours): hours) + ":" + ((minutes < 10) ? ("0" + minutes): minutes);

9 Default to get a date

	var _oldId = "field8444";
	var _newId = "field8464";

	$("#" + _newId).val($("#" + _oldId).val());
	$("#" + _newId + "span").text($("#" + _oldId + "span").text());

10 Time difference in hours

/* Time difference in hours */

var beginTimeId = "field8482"; //Begin Time Id
var beginDateId = "field7911"; //Begin Date Id
var endTimeId   = "field8483"; //End Time Id
var endDateId   = "field7912"; //End Date Id

	checkCustomize = function(){
		var beginTime = new Date($("#" + beginTimeId).val() + " " + $("#" + beginDateId).val());
		var endTime = new Date($("#" + endTimeId).val() + " " + $("#" + endDateId).val());

		var differTime = endTime - beginTime;            //Time difference in seconds
		var days = Math.floor(differTime / (3600*1000)); //Time difference in hours
		return true;

11 Update time per second

/* Update time per second */

function showtime() {
	var date = new Date();
	var _text = date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate() + " " + date.getHours() + ":" + date.getMinutes() + ":" + date.getSeconds();
	document.getElementById("field6321span").innerText = _text
	document.getElementById("field6321").value = _text

12 Check whether time 1 is within time 2, change the reminder text

/* Check whether time 1 is within time 2, change the reminder text */

/// Note: change the tips reggion class as "prompText"
/// If time 1 is within time2, then hide the tips text
/// Else, change the tips text as [Note: Leave application date & time is different with real date & time]
	var _beginDateId1 = "field8566", _beginDateId2 = "field8586";
	var _beginTimeId1 = "field8567", _beginTimeId2 = "field8587";
	var _endDateId1   = "field8568", _endDateId2   = "field8588";
	var _endTimeId1   = "field8569", _endTimeId2   = "field8589";

	var isError = checkDate($("#" + _beginDateId1).val(), $("#" + _beginDateId2).val(), $("#" + _beginTimeId1).val(), $("#" + _beginTimeId2).val(), $("#" + _endDateId1).val(), $("#" + _endDateId2).val(), $("#" + _endTimeId1).val(), $("#" + _endTimeId2).val());
	} else {
		$(".promptText").text("[Note: Leave application date & time is different with real date & time]");

/// Check time 2 is within time 1
/// _beginDate1 _beginTime1 Time1 Begin Date & Time
/// _beginDate2 _beginTime2 Time2 Begin Date & Time
/// _endDate1 _endTime1 Time1 End Date & Time
/// _endDate2 _endTime2 Time1 End Date & Time
/// within the range, then return false, else return true
function checkDate(_beginDate1, _beginDate2, _beginTime1, _beginTime2, _endDate1, _endDate2, _endTime1, _endTime2){
	console.log(_beginDate1, _beginDate2, _beginTime1, _beginTime2, _endDate1, _endDate2, _endTime1, _endTime2);
	var isError = false;

	//Check start time
	if(_beginDate1 > _beginDate2) { isError = true;console.log(1); }
	else if(_beginDate1 == _beginDate2){
		if(_beginTime1 > _beginTime2) { isError = true;console.log(2); }

	//Check End time
	if(_endDate1 < _endDate2) { isError = true; console.log(4); }
	else if(_endDate1 == _endDate2){
		if(_endTime1 < _endTime2) { isError = true; console.log(5); }

	return isError;

Last updated